I believe a paid dlc would really breathe some life into sm2. (here comes the pitch forks and torches). 

hear me out. i think a decent sized operations dlc is exactly what we need. add 3 new classes. theme it around gene stealer cults. and make it a different planet.


Justiciar/Master of executions: 2h melee focus high damage limited range. give the class access to a relic blade axe and sword. each weapon bringing different strengths and short comings but focused on massive melee damage. and as far as a ranged weapon just a relic heavy bolt pistol. the super could be similar to titus in the campaign but instead of a health regen just apply an initial armor boost and a damage buff for when its time to challenge your target.

apothecary: this one is pretty obvious and i know it has been mentioned by the team already. another support class/healer would be great 

Librarian: a crowd control class similar to the heavy a force weapon/ staff, a secondary weapon, and removal of grenades in favor of psyker power for crowd control, a cooldown for said power with a limit on uses and perks to swap it around or change it.

Genestealer cults.

the reason i chose genestealers as the focus for the dlc is pretty straight forward.

we already have chaos cultist so theres your fodder enemys but reskinned.

as far as the special enemy types go you can utilize other assets like the terminators but changes a bit for abberants. a primus or similarly heavy mutated strains or pures strains can be used in place of warriors the lictors can also be utilized with a good reskin and some new moves for pure strains. the sorcerer can be changed to a magus that applies a buff to nearby enemies. broodlords and a patriarch would make for great bosses and the operations can go from trying to purge the gsc all the way to the tyranids invasion making the missions have a wide variety as the new ops campaign progresses.

i would personally be willing to drop more money on this game in the form of paid dlc due to its quality. that and i really cant stand live service. but ultimately i know ya'll need to make money in order to deliver this wonderful quality. Thank you.