First of THANK YOU! Love your game and the way you listen to the community is great.

Your new update gave me some thoughts. I guess the new class you teased is going to be a apothecary for obvious reasons. Still in love with the chaplain from day one onwards though. But i am not sure if it is enough to make a new class or if it would be better if you give us some skin or a chaplain-chapter-pack-thingy to give us some overall chaplain style costumization.

Second part: I would love to see this come along with a new mission to introduce whatever access we may get on the chaplain. Everyone is asking to replay the intro but i am not sure that would be the best version of this. Better take the map and let us play Leandros on a mission to extract Titus from the prologue. We could replay the map and we would get some redemption for Leandros. I am still confused why they made him the chaplain after all. Thus i feel like he needs at least some redemption to make this understandable. Let him safe Titus. Make hiim still disagree but show us that he actually manages to do his job. So far he has always been only talk no action except for the big mistake he made at the end of the first game.

Also i can understand if this is to much to ask for. A suggestion for the third game though: Let Leandros and Titus get cornered. Maybe the battlebarge gets boarded and they are pushed into a corner. Let Leandros regret and apologize to Titus. And then let him sacrifice himself for Titus. maybe he could hold back chaos while Titus makes the call for help or something.

Or to lean even more into Fanfiction: Set the next game a few more hundred years in the future. Make Titus the next chaplain and let us experience Leandros redemption after he got demoted.

Sorry for going a bit crazy on this one. You guys got me really hyped today. already dreaming about the future updates!!!!