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More health and damage from enemies on Absolute Difficulty


​Shall we slightly increase enemy health and damage on Absolute difficulty?

Some of the builds can break health thresholds and start one-shotting enemies. We are only talking about small health and damage tweaks that should not cause enemies to become bullet sponges.

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:06:37 PM

Enemies already are TOO bullet spongy. More terminus less overall health would be better. Sure as hell not MORE spongy.

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:15:34 PM

Allow us some degree of power fantasy please. As with previous comments enemies are spongey enough and I'd be worried wre talking about a small % of scenarios where it's even relevant.

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:17:09 PM

This a hard no, this would only make the mode less fun and restrict the weapons that can be Taken, thinks like the auto bolt rifle still struggle as Is, this would only make them straight up useless 

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:18:18 PM

no i think they already take alot to kill maybe adding more smaller enemies would be better 

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:18:50 PM
More enemies > Bullet Sponges

If you made our weapons able to deal with more HP and our armor able to take more damage this would be an option but as it stands we already feel weak.
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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:25:55 PM

I think enemies damage and health are fine but you need to increase enemies spawn rate. I do not mean flooding us with horde of minoris, but make something like you did in Lethal when it was introduced. I loved fighting 3 lictors while zoans beamed from far and there was ravener somewhere between my feet. That was really challenging, because I had to mind and manage different enemies with different attacks mechanics and fight them off somehow. THIS was the best and most challenging part of difficulty, not making enemies bullet sponges or one shotting me.

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:32:00 PM

No, health and damage bonuses are not the way to go in a horde shooter.

While I understand you're limited by console performance and can't have more enemies on screen at once -- what you should be doing is increasing the length of enemy waves and thus how many spawn over the duration as enemies are killed and replaced.

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:36:21 PM

Как я слышал много раз от игроков, с которыми уже давно плотно играю, лучше повышать сложность за счет увеличения количества противников, их разнообразие и агрессивность. Большая волна или больше количества волн, более сложные противники, их количество и агрессивность . Не увеличивая у них здоровье и урон !​

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:41:57 PM

For the love of Big E. No more health and damage on enemies. Most weapons are already useless due to the majoris having enough health that even direct headshots to some enemies takes near a whole mag. And minoris needing 4+ body shots to die. If anything. Remove the resistances most enemies have to certain types of weapons but retain the current weakness. This way you are not actively punished for using a ranged weapon on a melee enemy (they have a built in resistance to it) but offering another not quite as effective method to deal with them.

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:45:01 PM

Naus_ wrote:

I think enemies damage and health are fine but you need to increase enemies spawn rate. I do not mean flooding us with horde of minoris, but make something like you did in Lethal when it was introduced. I loved fighting 3 lictors while zoans beamed from far and there was ravener somewhere between my feet. That was really challenging, because I had to mind and manage different enemies with different attacks mechanics and fight them off somehow. THIS was the best and most challenging part of difficulty, not making enemies bullet sponges or one shotting me.

I agree with you, having different enemies make you change your strategy, I think that with the release of new enemies will make it further a challenge when 3 or more span, just yesterday I was ambushed by a Lictor and a Ravener, while my team was fighting a horde, the emperor is witness of how challenging it was but coming victorious out of it is the reward. 

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15 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:46:19 PM

quantity or quality here. Numbers of enemies are more important than each of their individual health. Make the swarm bigger not stronger

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