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Black Screen and stuck in hangar after Thunderhawk cutscene in PVE Operations
2 days ago
Sep 26, 2024, 1:46:40 PM
When loading into an operation the Thunderhawk cutscene plays and after the screen goes black and the mission doesn't load. My character is stuck in the hanger and I can walk around but can't see anything. Prior to latest patch a similar thing happened but screen didn't go black, my friends and I would just be stuck in hanger before every operation untill we all stood in a specific spot where the ready zone used to be.

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Choose any operation on any difficulty
Step 2
Stand in ready zone to launch operation
Step 3
Wait for Thunderhawk cutscene to play
Step 4
Mission doesn't launch and screen goes black
Step 5
Be Australian (I've read this only happens on Oceana server)
General information
PvE: Operations
Game version
Latest version
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Were you able to reproduce the bug reported by MattDaemon?
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We try to look at all bug reports, but the more players confirm encountering a bug by upvoting it, the higher we will prioritize it. Reproduction in progress
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2 days ago
Sep 27, 2024, 6:14:08 AM
Latest version
Exact same issue playing on PC from NZ

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
As listed in the original ticket.
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2 days ago
Sep 27, 2024, 6:24:56 AM
Latest version

Can confirm this bug has gotten worse since the recent patch. It used to load you in and everyone would just stand on or near the tarp on the ground and it would load in correctly sometimes if nobody moved it would load. Now its total black screen with no fix found as of yet.

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Play in Australia or surrounding region
Step 2
Select any operation and any difficulty
Step 3
Stand in ready zone
Step 4
Watch or skip thunderhawk cutscene
Step 5
watch as the screen is black with the skip button on 0/0 and hear your footsteps as you walk around
Step 6
Alt+F4 as all other controls including menu or communication do not work.
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2 days ago
Sep 27, 2024, 6:57:17 AM
Latest version

Same issue playing in Aus was hoping for an improvement the nuisance pre game barge glitch with the patch, got way worse to where I can't play at all now cheers boys 

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Select operation on any difficulty
Step 2
Stand in ready zone
Step 3
Watch or skip thunderhawk cutscene
Step 4
Stare into the eternal abyss
Step 5
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2 days ago
Sep 27, 2024, 9:20:24 AM
Latest version

I'm having the same issue and I'm also from New Zealand

Also did my own report


Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Same as the original report
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2 days ago
Sep 27, 2024, 11:26:15 AM
Latest version

Starting to piss me off now as a key feature of the game is now unplayable & they haven't even acknowledged it

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
select operation
Step 2
stand in ready zone
Step 3
watch or skip cutscene
Step 4
Black screen
Step 5
Alt+F4 to exit the game.
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a day ago
Sep 27, 2024, 2:54:55 PM
Latest version

Start a game.

Go to the ready rectangle.

Get cut scene

Get black screen 

(you can hear foot steps if you try to move.)

Before the patch the behaviour is was the same, but you would progress from the black screen back to the mission start bay, if you stood where the rectangle used to be visible it would then start.

Now if you move forwards about 8 steps the game will start. but with 3 player having to do this and each player having to "walk" blind from slightly different start points the chance of the game starting is slim.  

It does not happen if I join a game in the UK.

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
as listed in the original ticket
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a day ago
Sep 28, 2024, 1:04:06 AM
Xbox Series S
Latest version

Latest update made the issue even worse when I start an operation the cutscene starts and regardless of whether or not I skip the cutscene it will take me to a black screen 100% of the time. I cannot even play the game and I don't understand why you would allow the bug to persist for this long it's been an issue since early access please for the love of the Emperor patch this damn bug.

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
As listed in the original ticket
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a day ago
Sep 28, 2024, 1:45:02 AM
Latest version

just posting here to keep this going. have the exact same issue

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
same steps as listed
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a day ago
Sep 28, 2024, 2:48:28 AM
Latest version

Same issue. Black screen until the host drops.
Gotten worse after the latest patch. Now the screen stays black instead of just coming back without a Hud or anything, like previously mentioned.

Happens whenever me or one of my friends, also in Sydney, try to host.
The only work around we've discovered for now is our 3rd friend in Brisbane hosts. Then only one person joins him so he can make a private lobby. They can start the operation and then the third can join after they're in the mission already. 

If all 3 of us are in the lobby when our Brisbane friend tries to start the operation/campaign one of us always crashes.
If either me or my Sydney friend try to start a match with just the 2 of us we get the black screen.

Completely unplayable unless our Brisbane friend is playing with us, and even then he has terrible internet. (Sometimes he has to connect his phone and use mobile data).

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
As listed in the original Ticket ^
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20 hours ago
Sep 28, 2024, 4:59:18 AM
Latest version

Before the patch: I would load a quick operation match, stand on the dropship area and the game would launch, only to be returned to the battle barge with the drop ship missing. I later found out from reading other posts if you walk forward to where the dropship area was (along with another player) the operation would launch.

After the patch: Load a quick operation match, stand in the drop ship area, you'll then see the drop ship cinematic, then the screen goes black and you can hear the ambient noise of the battle barge. 

Using the directional arrows I can hear my character move but have no way of knowing what direction i am facing.

I have tried walking forward for 5 seconds before stopping, then waiting as a steam member had suggested, but I'm guessing that I'm not facing the dropship as I have tried at least 10 times without success.

The only way to exit the game at this point is "ALT F4" or task manager

I have also tried these steps:

1. Uninstalled graphics drivers and reinstalled new ones.

2. Uninstalled the game and reinstalled

3. Verified game files on Steam

4. Reduced graphics to lowest settings

5. Tried with a Non widescreen monitor (in hopes it was just the widescreen support causing the issue)

Im at a total loss, I am unable to play this game which is such a pitty as I was having so much fun!

Guess I will wait until the next patch and maybe it will be fixed?

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Opening a "Quick Match" Operation
Step 2
Joining team mates
Step 3
Animation for Drop Ship starts, and loading progress bar completes
Step 4
Screen goes black and I can hear the ambient noise from the Battle Barge
Step 5
pressing the "Enter" button on my keyboard brings up "SKIP 0/0"
Step 6
I can hear my character walk if i press directional buttons
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15 hours ago
Sep 28, 2024, 9:48:21 AM
Latest version

This makes the game essentially unplayable for affected players.

Attempted to start an operation 3 times last night with a friend, in public and private lobbies, and we had the same issue each time. With game loading times, etc. that was 20 minutes of wasted time, before we eventually decided to play something else.

Tried again today solo, managed to get one game (as reported elsewhere, that was joining 2 players that were already in mission, and the game loaded in correctly), so at least managed to play part of an operation. Then as soon as it was back to start a new mission, same black screen of doom (with a 0/0 option to skip cutscene, and the ability to "move" - or at least hear walking).

Same issue occurs when trying to load a new operation, in a private lobby, by myself.

Attempting to "find the right spot in the black" has not worked.

Acknowledgement of the issue would be appreciated @Focus.

There have been multiple bug threads raised for this issue, including:






Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Start a new Operation
Step 2
Thunderhawk dropship launch animation runs.
Step 3
Screen goes black.
Step 4
Pressing movement keys allows you to hear the marine moving. Pressing Enter, can see "SKIP 0/0".
Step 5
Wait bloody ages. Then give up, bring up task manager and kill the game.
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12 hours ago
Sep 28, 2024, 12:57:04 PM
Latest version

Makes operations unplayable. Trying to co-ordinate the three people to get into one spot blind. 

It was bad enough we had to figure out how to do it originally. 

I was excited for the new patch hoping it would have fixed the in-between Thunderhawk bug, but no it's much worse now. 

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Load Up operation
Step 2
Everyone goes to the board area/square
Step 3
Thunderhawk take off scene plays (skipping doesn't help either)
Step 4
Characters are back on the battle barge but black screen (A skip of 0/0 appears)
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an hour ago
Sep 28, 2024, 11:22:41 PM
Xbox Series X
Latest version

Same issue we’re loading after the battle barge on Operations crashes you back to the battle barge but now it’s a black screen and don’t one can walk into the area to load in. We may slow the game twice by walking to the right spot but since then if you can’t see where you’re going, sometimes you don’t know where you are, once I walked up a corridor to the right and could see again but haven’t been able to reproduce . 

Step by step of the bug
Step 1
Load operations
Step 2
Black screen
Step 3
Can hear and move but can’t see
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