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Ultrawide really means Ultrashort

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2 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 5:32:17 PM

As you can see, it cuts off the top 10% and the bottom 20% of the screen.  Start an operation?  Plan on not being able to see your feet.

image loaded from url

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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 2:10:04 PM

I don't see any improvement in ultrawide or super ultrawide support.

1920 x 1440 in 3.1

image loaded from url

Borderless 32:9 in 3.1

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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 5:11:44 PM

gr4v3dgr wrote:

I don't see any improvement in ultrawide or super ultrawide support.

1920 x 1440 in 3.1

image loaded from url

Borderless 32:9 in 3.1

image loaded from url

is this after today's patch? ouch...

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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 8:22:06 PM

I see the FIX 3.1 patch in the steam menu:unfortunately, this fix is ​​for 21/9 screens. Nothing on the 32/9 screens side, still this zoom & this sick feeling after less than 5 minutes of play...

I restarted the game without going to the forums, I was disappointed to see that nothing had changed. I still finished my current story mission but with difficulty... and not to mention the urge to vomit, it's so disappointing to see the cutscenes with our heroes whose half of their heads are cut off by the image... Total loss of immersion.

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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 8:26:02 PM

gr4v3dgr wrote:  Start an operation?  

You play the operations?? you managed to finish the story?

I didn't even succeed, I would like to be given back the heads of our heroes entirely in the cutscenes to finish the story...

(even if by doing many blocks on twitter, I have already had epic moments spoiled...)

10.08- 3.1 cutscene 02.jpg10.08- 3.1 cutscene 03.jpg10.08- 3.1 cutscene 05.jpg

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2 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 10:59:36 PM

ShinGoKaDeN wrote:

gr4v3dgr wrote:  Start an operation?  

You play the operations?? you managed to finish the story?

I didn't even succeed, I would like to be given back the heads of our heroes entirely in the cutscenes to finish the story...

(even if by doing many blocks on twitter, I have already had epic moments spoiled...)

10.08- 3.1 cutscene 02.jpg10.08- 3.1 cutscene 03.jpg10.08- 3.1 cutscene 05.jpg

Unfortunately, the only way to get the game to a playable level with a 32:9 monitor, is to set it to Windowed at a 16:9 resolution. Gives you the full aspect of the game, just in a smaller box in the middle of your Ultrawide screen.

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2 months ago
Oct 9, 2024, 12:01:05 AM

I made a thread about the Ultrawide issues still as well I have upvoted your thread

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2 months ago
Oct 9, 2024, 1:43:59 PM

I just can't believe they even pushed this patch out. And then I can't believe that they pushed another patch addressing UW support and still didn't fix this.

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2 months ago
Oct 16, 2024, 7:50:27 PM

I completed the campaign with the black bars on the side shortly after launch, but have been unable to stomach playing since the ultrawide support patch went live. Such a bummer to have this game rotting in my steam library because of these FOV issues.

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a month ago
Oct 19, 2024, 8:44:34 AM

I'll be keeping my money until you stop being lazy and bring in FOV slider for true ultrawide support. 

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a month ago
Oct 19, 2024, 3:23:14 PM

One of the worst issues with the ultrawide "fix" is the blacked out edges if you start sprinting that totally kills your situational awareness...

20240927214245_1.jpgand the only fix is to raise brightness too much...

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Oct 19, 2024, 6:02:42 PM

Ultrawide support still not properly implemented. Was playable with an FOV mod, but every patch they've been intentionally breaking the mods and making it harder to reimplement, without a solution since 4.0 patch. Guess I'm done with the game until they fix it.

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a month ago
Oct 22, 2024, 3:54:28 PM

Okamakiri wrote:

Ultrawide support still not properly implemented. Was playable with an FOV mod, but every patch they've been intentionally breaking the mods and making it harder to reimplement, without a solution since 4.0 patch. Guess I'm done with the game until they fix it.

I'm still playing in a small window in the center of my 49" monitor, with 75% of the monitor unused.  :(

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a month ago
Oct 27, 2024, 4:15:36 PM

I've been helping St1cky, the maker of the FOV mod, test out different settings on UW. Without changing FOV at all, and simply increasing the camera distance +3 (two settings, one for in combat and for out of combat), the game looks and feels far better. This was the sweet spot we found for 21:9 ratio. For 32:9 we likely need a higher value, perhaps +4 or +5. If they insist on not changing the FOV, this simple tweak would address the UW issue without it. There is absolutely no excuse for not at least implementing this change.

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a month ago
Oct 27, 2024, 10:06:32 PM

have the devs fixed this yet? 

i can't believe these jokers need modders to fix their game... unbelievable that they got the IP from Warhammer.

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a month ago
Oct 28, 2024, 4:36:51 PM

Okamakiri wrote:

I've been helping St1cky, the maker of the FOV mod, test out different settings on UW. Without changing FOV at all, and simply increasing the camera distance +3 (two settings, one for in combat and for out of combat), the game looks and feels far better. This was the sweet spot we found for 21:9 ratio. For 32:9 we likely need a higher value, perhaps +4 or +5. If they insist on not changing the FOV, this simple tweak would address the UW issue without it. There is absolutely no excuse for not at least implementing this change.

Do you have any screenshots of the difference?  I think I'm still playing in a 1920 x 1080 window on a 5120 x 1440 monitor.  I wish I'd not bought the 49" SUW and kept my 32" and 34" 4k dual screens.  :(

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