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Recycling the Campaign Abilities into New Classes

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5 days ago
Mar 23, 2025, 12:58:16 PM

Greeting Brothers,

    If you're anything like me you've spent a good amount of time fighting alongside your Battle Brothers in the Campaign mode. However after play the initial time, and the many subsequent times after, it struck me as odd that two out of three of the Main Character's abilities didn't make it into Multi-Player modes. (Specifically Battle Cry and Righteous Fury) And after reading through forums and taking some notes, I feel like I have an idea. It's known that creating an entirely new class from scratch is... difficult to say the least. But on that note we already have two functioning abilities that have been play tested by a lot of people... Granted they may need a little work to but completely functional, but my thought was "What if we take those abilities from the Campaign and roll them into new Classes? As such I've created an Idea Post on the Subject and invite you all to come take a look:


Thank you for reading and for your time Brothers, The Emperor Protects.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Mar 24, 2025, 9:42:35 AM

Over the last few days I've added quite a few things to the idea post including but not limited to; Pictures, Possible Class Perks, Possible Weapon Loadouts, additional clarifying information in a few areas, and cleaned up and condensed the post for easier readability. Thanks to all of you that have already looked and upvoted, I hope you can take the time to give it another look with all the extra information added. Thank you Brothers, The Emperor Protects.

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4 days ago
Mar 25, 2025, 12:10:26 AM

I like how many people voted for my idea for the devs/mods to actually start acknowledging out ideas again. Because great ideas just like this one keep popping up but get zero response from the mods.

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4 days ago
Mar 25, 2025, 8:34:54 AM

Thank you for the vote of confidence Brothers, I definitely appreciate the support!

Shining_Darkness wrote:

I like how many people voted for my idea for the devs/mods to actually start acknowledging out ideas again. Because great ideas just like this one keep popping up but get zero response from the mods.

It could be that there's probably a certain threshold of upvotes and comments that has to be reached before an idea is acknowledged by devs/mods. Or given how deep they are in development of patch 7.0 and Space Marine 3, they could just be REALLY busy. I think I'd lean towards the latter, but either way it turns out to be, I'm glad some of my Battle Brothers here like my idea. So once again thank you for the comments and upvotes! 

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