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5 months ago Sep 26,2024, 12:09:14 PM

Space Marine 2 - Patch 3.0 (26/09/24)

122 766 Views

Greetings Marines,

The newest patch for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is now live, packed with new features. And YES, it brings ultrawide support! 😉 And YES, it adds private lobbies in Operations mode! 😌

But that's not all: there's a new Sparring Arena in the Battle Barge! Available while in Operations or Eternal War mode, this brand new area is accessible directly from the Launch Bay. Once there, you'll be given your weapons and grenades as if you were in a PvP match and allowed to spar it out with your Battle-Brothers ahead of your next missions. ⚔️

 We've also introduced the option to reset custom colors presets and replace them by predefined ones instantly. You can find the complete list of improvements and changes below!

We truly appreciate your reports and feedback, and we hope you'll enjoy the improvements brought by this update. Thank you Marines! The Emperor protects! ⚔️🛡️

Patch Notes

New features

  • The Hub Sparring Arena, a new special arena on the Battlebarge available in Operations & Eternal War Game mode where players can compete in friendly PvP with the players in their squad.
  • Ultrawide support for PC
  • Private mode for Operation mode that gives players ability to play operation alone with bots or alongside one friend without being matchmaked with random players during the mission.
  • Added What's New & Message of the Day
  • Added option to reset custom colour presets


Gameplay and balancing tweaks

  • The marking tool has been updated:
    - Improved responsiveness and comfort of Social Wheel control with a mouse
    - Disabled unnecessary objects that do not require highlighting and worked poorly with it
    - Several minor bug fixes
  • Power Fist: Damage for fully charged attacks has been greatly increased
  • Heavy Plasma: Base ammo increased by 5. Blast damage radious increased. Owerheat per shoot drastically decreased from 50 to 30 for charged shoots and from 20 to 15 for base shooting. Base damage slightly increased by 10%.
  • Med Stims restore contested health in addition to actual healing 
  • Aux grenade launcher ammo now can be refilled only with the Ammo Boxes and can not be refilled from the infinite Ammo Cache



  • Enemy aggressiveness on Veteran Difficulty in Campaign decreased for better singleplayer experience. 
  • Player's health on Veteran Difficulty in Campaign is slightly reduced to compensate for AI aggressiveness and armor management updates


  • Various inhibiting restrictions were lifted, allowing bots to be more helpful and effective, while still not beating the game for the player
  • Bots will now help focus-firing zoanthropes when the player attacks them.
  • Heavily eased restrictions on bots finishing of enemies instead of leaving them for the player, to reduce annoyance.
  • Bots are now allowed to help with Gargoyle objectives
    - Fixed a variety of bugs related to bots getting stuck
    - Fixed a bug where bots can run out of ammo on weapons without a magazine  

Operations Mode

  • Tweaked AI Director and spawn rules of Chaos enemies in Operations mode:
    - Max number of Tzaangors With Shield on the arena at the same time reduced from 10 to 4
    - Max number of Cultists Snipers on the arena at the same time reduced from 10 to 3
    - Max number of Tzaangors on the arena at the same time reduced from 30 to 20
    - Max number of Rubric Marines with Boltguns on the arena at the same time reduced from 8 to 5
    - Max number of Rubric Marines with Warpflamers on the arena at the same time reduced from 4 to 3
  • Perfect parry has been updated, now restores armour for killing minoris, not only for countering their special attacks
  • Regarding Block and Fencing Weapons, a bug has been fixed in perfect parry window for fencing weapons. Now it has 20 frames window for perfect parry and 10 frames of vulnerability at the end of animation, instead of 30 frames of perfect parry for full animation as it was intended originally.
  • Assault Class: Base groundpound damage increased by 30%
  • Armor boost drops from destructible crates are now less common (cooldown raised from 30 secs to 60 secs)


  • Improved player spawn system. It should make spawn killing more difficult
  • Reworked Vanguard's Grapnel Launcher in PVP. Instead of full stun it will now stagger enemy and will slow him down drastically.


  • Reduced ability to stunlock enemies with ranged attacks across all AI characters
  • Accuracy of ranged enemies is reduced when attacking from off-screen and accuracy of ranged enemies is reduced when attacking melee-engaged players
  • Regarding Hormagaunts and Tzaangors: Melee damage now deals specific amount damage instead of removing 1 complete armour segment per attack
  • Zoanthrope:
    - Increased psychic scream damage sparsing time from 0.5s to 2s to prevent one shot damage
    - Psychic scream damage reduced from 11 to 8
    - Psychic scream effective range reduced from 50 to 40m
    - Psychic scream cast range is reduced by 10m
  • Termagant:
    - Fleshborer spray attack damage reduced from 1 to 0.5
    - Flashborer spray attack damage reduced from 0.3 to 0.1
  • Tyranid Warrior with Devourer: Projectile damage reduced from 0.9 to 0.6 per projectile
  • Rubric Marine With Warpflamer:
    - Icon of flame damage reduced from 9 to 6
    - Flamer burst damage reduced from 6 to 4 per shoot
    - Flamer shooting damage reduced from 6 to 4 per projectile
    - Health reduced by 10%
  • Rubric Marine with Boltgun:
    - Spray attack damage reduced from 1.5 to 1
    - Precise shot attack (with red indicator) damage reduced from 4 to 2 per projectile
    - Reduced frequency of teleports used to disengage players to make them less annoying to fight Health reduced by 10%
  • Tzaangor With Shield: HP greatly reduced
  •  Carnifex:
    Rage phase updated, carnifex becomes faster and more aggressive
    - Taunt frequency reduced
    - Fixed a bug where his cone of thorns attack wouldn't fire projectiles
  • Hive Tyrant: 
    - Health slightly increased.
    - Resistance to explosives and melta weapons increased by 20%.


  • Fixed icon colour for the Administratum Grey, Auric Armour Gold and Celestra Grey colours
  • Fixed several issues with default colors being wrong on some chapters (i.e. Iron Warriors)
  • Vanguard Relic Right Greave part now requires 29 victories instead of 36
  • Added a Colour pattern called "Greaves Pattern" allowing the player to customize bottom and top half of the leg separately



  • Fixed several issues that were preventing players from progressing within some levels
  • Fixed a lot of minor collision issues
  • Tweaked dust storm density and duration in Ballistic Engine operation
  • Tweaked Heldrake fire timings on the bridge in Reliquary operation
  • Trials can be now accessed via Hypnomat in Armoury

General fixes

  • Fixed a bug where changing loadout mid operation would restore your health
  • Improved Jump Pack Ability responsiveness
  • Fixed several issues in Trials
  • Fixed a bug where in some rare cases controls would stop working after performing a finisher
  • Fixed a bug where player does not receive armor data from Hellbrute spawned from chaos portal
  • Fixed a bug that caused Vanguard's "Adrenaline Rush" perk description to show 1% instead of actual 10%
  • Fixed Announcer spam in Eternal War mode
  • Fixed multiple ways of duplicating ammo in Operations mode
  • Fixed a bug where Grapnel Launcher would get canceled if overlapped by small geometry
  • Fixed a bug where Tactical perk EMPEROR'S VENGEANCE did not work with Plasma Incinerator.
  • Fixed a bug where several weapons could restore more than actual contested health (i.e. Meltas, AoE weapons etc)
  • Fixed several issues that were causing loss of saves
  • Fixed an unidentified voice at the end of the story that was assigned to the wrong character.
  • Lots of minor UI fixes and improvements
  • Lots of minor animation fixes and improvements
  • Localization fixes
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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 12:20:59 PM

I appreciate the update and I'm looking forward to test it, but was leg customization really more requested than hands customization? I know you have already said that hand customization will be added, but I expected it to be one of the first ones being added after launch.

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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 12:21:35 PM

Thank you for your feedback!

For the next updates to come, could you please take into consideration our ideas from the IDEAS : Megathread ?

Link to the IDEAS : Megathread

Thank you for listening to the community!

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 12:23:45 PM

Does this fix the keybinding issues like not being able to assign the same key to function that use one by default (Interact/Execute and Mark/Social)?

Remember that people play with other keys than WASD (like ESDF or whatever Dvorak users are doing).

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 12:25:15 PM

Any news on the networking issues? Like lagging, high latency, etc?

Any improvements in that regard? :)

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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 12:27:24 PM

I'm a little confused why Vanguard grapple hook got nerfed and yet Shock grenades remain untouched. I've not seen anyone complain about Vanguard but I've seen plenty of complaints about how unfun shock grenades are. Vanguard was not mentioned at all in the Q & A but Shock Grenades were clearly listed as being OP.

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 12:28:24 PM

Matchmaking is still a complete waste of time because of the class limitations and being matched with people who've chosen the same class. Private lobbies doesn't solve this. Not playing until this is fixed.

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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 12:43:46 PM

Dont see any fixes for the bullet-sponge effect at higher difficulties in general? Im glad for the chaos nerfs, but Tyranid majoris enemies are pretty spongy as well. Can we get an official answer on whether this was simply passed over due to all the mob dmg decreases?

And yes--where are the sorely needed buffs to bolt weapons? What are the plans in this respect?

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 12:46:35 PM

Amazing patch!

Has the bug been fixed for the Aquilan Dedication relic Fencing chainsword been fixed?   Does the sword behave like an actual proper Fencing weapon now?

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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 12:51:43 PM

So, the Sparring arena is just an area right of the battlebarge -that part with the slope going down- where you can get your weapon out... And that's it. 

No enemy generator spotted or anything like that.

 So can't actually TRAIN/SPARE against an ennemy you have trouble with no ammo cache either from what I've seen.

I do have to ask, what is the "point" of this area? It basicly has no real purpose at all.

Sur the idea of fighting with a friend is... Interesting. But it's very underwhelming honestly.

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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 12:56:11 PM

Python_616 wrote:

what about Xbox Series X crashes ? 

A great question it's game breaking for me.

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5 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 12:57:02 PM

So where are those Lense colors that were said to be in the next big patch???

Is this not the big patch I'm assuming?

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