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PVP number one problem: easy solution+ 7 Tenets of how to improve PVP, Six player public PVP lobby

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a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 8:32:29 AM

Disclaimer: This thread/idea package is the legal successor of the original PVP number one problem post, which had a monumental interest on the Discord feedback forum, the whole PVP community supported and reinforces this case, the original post (the whole Discord feedback section is not available, so we continue here) had hundreds of supportive comments, likes, interactions and suggestions. Together we will reach again this success, the developers will implement these changes in the game, so the PVP community can flourish for years to come. I also supplement my original number on problem concept with the 7 Tenets of how to improve PVP solution package. Join me and the whole PVP community in our crusade, this will be a long dissertation, so read it through and then your help (with supporting comments, likes, sharing, inviting Battle-Brothers to the discussion) is greatly appreciated. I will attach pictures to this post.  I will also affix more details regarding my Tenets, via Focus Forum Idea links. Because this is a long thread, bring some refreshments in order to read my whole magnum opus.

Context about the attached pictures in order: 1. Respected Mzulft told us that 2025 will be the year of PVP. 2.+3. Respected Numitor has sent my 7 Tenets of how to improve PVP to the dev team. 4. A voting, which garnered enormous support for six player lobbies in public PVP matches.Second step to victory.pngThird step to victory.pngFourth step to victory.pngSzavazás 6 fős lobbi kapcsán.png

As mentioned in the title, we cannot play together as a bigger party in PVP, because it is limited to three members. The solution (six player lobbies in public PVP) is a must have feature, the PVP community has been asking this from the launch of the gameSix player lobbies in public PVP This idea has more than 250 000 upvote points, which is monumental.

If you have the concern, that six players will coordinate against solo players again obvious and easy solution: In matchmaking bigger groups should be playing against also bigger groups. other games also have this premade-solo matchmaking system, and it works perfectly.

Now we explore the 7 Tenets of how to improve PVP. Together as a community, we have already achieved crossplay in PVP, now the devs need to implement the other Tenets also. Firstly I will enumerate the issues, which should be implemented or changed, and after that I will elaborate how it could be materialized. 1. Six player lobbies in Eternal War public matches 2. Crossplay in PVP (implemented) 3. Chaos customization 4. More PVP maps 5. New PVP game modes (Dreadnought, PVP/PVE Left 4 Dead Versus style mode, Eternal Crusade.) 6. New classes (Apothecary, Chaplain, Techmarine and their Chaos counterparts: Chaos Apothecary, Dark Apostle, Warpsmith) weapons and grenades. This one is also PVE content. 7. Progression in PVP should be more complex (quests, events, special and unique armor parts for completing challanges.) 7.+1 Battle Barge expansion proper and complex firing/shooting range  7.+2 Ranked PVP.  

The details: 1. Six player lobbies in public Eternal War matches is a must have, I will elaborate in great length at the end of the thread.

2. Crossplay in PVP is already implemented.

3. Chaos customization. I know there won't be as complex customization for Chaos as for the Loyalist, but in PVP 50% in your gaming time you are playing Chaos/Heretic Marines, it feels they are totally neglected. Firstly remove the Class lock, so we can play as a Tactical Night Lord (in SM2 game context Talos Valcoran should be identified as a Tactical, cause his weapons are a bolter and power sword), Heavy Death Guard, Bulwark Alpha Legion. New armour parts for the Chaos Marines, Champion, Chapter skins, Heretic cosmetic packs, weapon skins and most importantly a detailed customization option to to make our Chaos Marines unique, this is a must have. Chaos Space Marines are the second most played faction on tabletop, so they are hundreds of tousands of SM2 players who want Chaos customization. You could have a dedicated Season Pass focusing on Chaos customization, it will be received with huge hype. Chaos customization details, photos

4. More maps. The new PVP map Tomb is fantastic, it plays drastically different, than the other three, but we need a whole lot of new maps, if it is easier and faster for the devs copy adequately sized and balanced map parts from the Campaign and PVE as new PVP maps. If there is a possibility implement and grafically update the iconic locations from Space Marine 1 like Shattered Bridge, Manufactorum or Basilica. The community needs at least 4-6 new maps, so it can be a varied experience. For totally new map ideas from the ground up, lets be a bit creative with the milieu of the new arena: let us have a map inside a Battle Barge or other space vessel, a unique 40k style gothic city center, jungle terrain, an Adeptus Mechanicus factory, desert map, ice world, have a bit more dymanic maps like you have in PVE, which means you can see in the background other forces fighting, while you are in a closed PVP arena. New PVP maps details, photos

5. New PVP game modes. We need to enhance the PVP experience with brand-new game modes: The truly iconic Dreadnought Assault game mode from Space Marine 1. Dreadnought game mode details Unique new PVP/PVE game mode, Left 4 Dead Versus style, 3 Tyranid Extremis-tier characters against 3 Space MarinesDetails, Left 4 Dead style game mode, PVP/PVE A grand battle, with increased player number, on a bigger map. Let me introduce the Eternal Crusade. 12vs12 or 15vs15. Eternal Crusade details

6. New classes, weapons and grenades. The forums are already full with great ideas, there are modders who implemented new classes. The three aforementioned new classes are a must have with their Chaos/Heretic counterpartsAs for weapons, grenades we need the iconic ones as soon as we can: power axe/chain axe, lightning claws, crozius arcanum, storm bolter, assault bolter, volkite caliver, assault cannon/autocannon, lascannon, inferno pistol, flamer (yes Brother, bring the heavy flamer), rad grenade, toxin/gas/virus grenadeplasma grenade, haywire grenade/scrambler (jamming enemy equipment, abilities for a time), Holy Orb of Antioch. Details of the idea: New grenades in details

7. Progression in PVP should be more complex (quests, events, special and unique armor parts for completing challanges.) Obtaining new armor parts only via PVP challenges (like the lethal helmet in PVE), PVP only weapon skins, give the players more goals to grind for, community challenges like in Helldivers 2. Prestige System, special icons, ranks, emotes, cosmetic options (Chaos customization) if you reach the max level, have a 10 kills without dying during a Match etc.

7.+1 Battle Barge expansion proper firing/shooting range, combat simulator/training ground. A totally new area in the Battle-Barge (also PVE content) a shooting range, where you can test all of your different weapons, grenades, class abilities, together with your Battle-Brothers, so we can have potentially six Space Marines having simultaneously doing weapon and tactical drills/combat simulations, we could test combos with abilities (in the sparring arena at the moment the classes dont have their abilities, so assault cannot practise jump attack combinations.) The firing range could be an expansion of the existing sparring arena, but it should have more options, and be way more complex. Different targets, showing how much a weapon damages with each bolt round, combat servitors, paper targets, special targets for melee weapons. It should be a system like the trials, but you can can determine every aspect of it, so you can test the weapon you want in a tranquil environment. This is also a community area, where you can have shooting tournaments with your Battle-Brothers, or official sniper tourneys with commentators and measurable accuracy points, regarding your targets and bolter rounds. Proper firing range, Battle-Barge expansion

7+2. Ranked PVP. This does not need a long explanation, a ranked PVP mode, with special rewards, really unique and spectacular armor parts, ranks, global leaderboard, official tournaments, a real competitive dimension of SM2.

Some smaller quality of life changes the PVP commnunity also needs: map voting, skippable map intro, customizing your Battle-Barge with icons, banners, changing the colour of the Thunderhawk (PVE content also), nerf the shock grenade (take away only the flash effect, then it is still viable with damaging effect, and makes harder to aim), optional clan tags before the name of the players, in private PVP matches there should must be a spectator option, so a 13th player could be a judge/commentator hosting tournaments, clan battles, official tourneys, showing the amount of damage we deal during PVP matches/damage counter (scoreboard at the end.)

Space Marine 1 was a huge success, and we enjoyed it for years until SM2 launched, because we could play together in public PVP matches with five, or even seven friends on the same team (the max number of players was 8vs8.) At least do the same, let us play in six player lobbies during public PVP matches. Remove the limitation in public Eternal War matches, so we can play with five other Battle-Brothers. Many SM2 players dont play the game now, cause they want to enjoy their gaming time with a bigger group of friends. This will help the longevity of SM2. Dont limit the players, we just want to enjoy this wonderful game, which we bought, with our companions.

Just for a quick thought experiment: If the developers implement ranked PVP, then in the current ecosystem there will be two random 3 player lobbies, who will be fighting on the same side in a very competitive environment? And as a side note, I have been gaming for a long time, and have never encountered this problem, that there is a six player multiplayer mode, and I can invite only two of my squad mates. And as a secondary side note, yes we are looking forward to private matches in PVP, but we want to play together as a full squad of six Space Marines in public Eternal War matches. This in an industry standard feature regarding multiplayer shooters. 

Dear developers, implement these changes in Eternal War public matches and we, the PVP community will support this game for as long, as we have Space Marine 1, which means for a really long time. If you need more details, ideas on how to improve PVP, feel free to contact me.

My fellow Battle-Brothers, help these ideas to be implemented via the developers with supporting likes, comments and most importantly sharing, I assume every PVP player would like to play with his friends (more than 2), and I am hoping that our PVE Space Marines also reinforce this cause, we should support each other to receive new content (and basic features like six player lobbies in public PVP matches) in a friendly atmosphere.

Updated 4 days ago.
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a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 9:37:25 AM

Haven't Saber already said that they will (at some point) add custom PvP lobbies where people will be able to invite a full team and also tweak match rules and such?

I can understand if Saber don't want to add the feature to have fully premade teams in a public lobby.

A lot of people join PvP solo, so having a bunch of solo queuers face against full premade teams will often give advantage to the premade side due to communication and such.
This wouldn't be a problem if they would add different PvP queues, one for solo-queues and a premade queue.
That way solo PvP'ers wouldn't have to worry about facing premades and premades can face against other premades.

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a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 9:59:35 AM

Rexipher wrote:

Haven't Saber already said that they will (at some point) add custom PvP lobbies where people will be able to invite a full team and also tweak match rules and such?

I can understand if Saber don't want to add the feature to have fully premade teams in a public lobby.

A lot of people join PvP solo, so having a bunch of solo queuers face against full premade teams will often give advantage to the premade side due to communication and such.
This wouldn't be a problem if they would add different PvP queues, one for solo-queues and a premade queue.
That way solo PvP'ers wouldn't have to worry about facing premades and premades can face against other premades.

Custom PVP lobbies are coming soon (for that we need the spectator mode, which I suggested), that is a whole other topic. Most players dont have 11 friends online to have a full PVP lobby in private matches, that is why we need 6 player lobbies in public PVP. I have emphasized in my thread, that they can implement a matchmaking system, which prioritizes on premade teams should be pitted against premade teams, so there are no concerns. Many multiplayer games use this matchmaking ecosystem and it works perfectly. We have achieved, that the devs implemented crossplay in PVP, so the pool of players is way bigger now (more options), which reinforces my idea, to have 6 player lobbies in public Eternal War matches. 

If you read through my thread, you can see this is a highly requested feature, from the launch of the game. My Discord feedback post had hundreds of supporting comments and likes, I have never encountered a game, where there is a 6 player mode, and you are limited to invite only 2 friends, we just want to play with our Battle-Brothers in public PVP matches, dont limit the players. Space Marine 1 had this basic feature, it was a huge success because of this.

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a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 11:31:12 AM

I support this. Custom PvP lobbies and Chaos faction customization are a must-have. I would also like a pre-game side selection option. ​

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a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 2:48:17 PM

This idea can only be supported. Under 6 players is not the right one. The more friends we can play with, the more exciting it is, you can't get bored quickly. Many people don't even play because they can't have that many at once. We need 6 players!

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a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 4:07:27 PM

​1. Six player lobbies in Eternal War public matches

 This one is the most tricky, even though I play mostly PVE, I always queue solo PVP when I do. I'm worried that player population in pvp isn't enough to sustain much matchmaking restrictions, I think for now it's better to focus on balancing and a better ranking system.


2. Crossplay in PVP (implemented) 

3. Chaos customization 

Much needed and I think eventually we will get this but not soon.

4. More PVP maps 

Always good

5. Battle Barge expansion proper and complex firing/shooting range

I wonder what this pvp arena next season is about. 

6. Progression in PVP should be more complex (quests, events, special and unique armor parts for completing challanges) 

This the best thing ever for me, I hope prestiges also comes to pvp.

7. Ranked PVP. 

This is a must.

8. More classes (Apothecary, Chaplain, Techmarine and their Chaos counterparts: Chaos Apothecary, Dark Apostle, Warpsmith) weapons and grenades.

I do believe we will get at least 1 or 2 new classes pve/pvp, not soon though.

9. A new PVP game mode with more players 8vs8, 12vs12 and the iconic Dreadnought from SM1.

Next season we have a new pvp mode confirmed, even if it's different I'm curious about what the devs are cooking.


Overall very reasonable feedback and suggestions, I'm on board with this and I welcome you brother, thanks for preserving the data. I heard about the discord purge. The emperor protects.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 4:35:39 PM

just wishing they would tweak melee a bit, which seems like a quick way to make it more viable - make it so that when you're melee'ing a shooting opponent their ranged damage drops off materially so that at least they are forced to melee a bit more

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a month ago
Feb 14, 2025, 5:50:07 PM
The only thing I can say is that me and my boys support all of this! Let's make it happen !!!
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a month ago
Feb 15, 2025, 8:08:27 AM

The PVP community needs 6 player lobbies in public Eternal War matches, we just want to play with our friends in a full lobby of Battle-Brothers, that should be the number one priority. All of your other Tenets are fantastic ideas, the devs need to implement those also. 

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24 days ago
Feb 16, 2025, 10:40:42 AM

Falci722 wrote:

I support this. Custom PvP lobbies and Chaos faction customization are a must-have. I would also like a pre-game side selection option. ​

Thank you, for the support. 

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24 days ago
Feb 16, 2025, 10:52:22 AM

I totally agree with this! The 6 man lobby would be one of the most fun if it finally got into the game. The best thing about any multiplayer game is being able to play with your friends! 

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23 days ago
Feb 17, 2025, 11:09:27 AM

Kameko wrote:

This idea can only be supported. Under 6 players is not the right one. The more friends we can play with, the more exciting it is, you can't get bored quickly. Many people don't even play because they can't have that many at once. We need 6 players!

I totally agree with you, we need 6 player lobbies in public PVP, so we can play with our friends together. 

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23 days ago
Feb 17, 2025, 5:42:25 PM

playing a game with more friends always equals more fun, more fun in a game equals bigger and longer lasting player base, it would be a win-win situation

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