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IDEAS : Megathread

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6 months ago
Sep 1, 2024, 5:19:18 PM


I just wanted to share my ideas to increase awareness of the developers if you think they are good ideas.

You will find at the end of the post a summarize of all your suggestions (I update the post frequently).

If you want the ideas on this post to be implemented, upvote this page.

You can also :

  • Go check the ideas you like through their link to their dedicated page
  • Comment here or on their respective page to improve the ideas
  • Upvote the ideas you like, on their respective pages, to make them more visible

0/ Firstborn armor types / variants with customization in PVE and PVP : 

  • Link to idea
  • We understand your issue/struggle with sizing/animation against the base game armor type being Primaris
  • We don't really care about this detail, we mostly want the "skins", a few inches more or less of the model is not a big deal
  • By implementing this for Space Marines, you will have all the material to consolidate Chaos Marines customization

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1/ More HUD options :

  • Link to idea
  • Options to remove attack prompts (blue and orange prompts)
  • Option to remove enemy outlines (white for shooting and red for execution)
  • Option to remove equipment marker/crosshair (yellow Assault jump and Vanguard graplin reticle)

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2/ Armor customisation :

  • Link to idea​​
  • Add a simple toggle to enable or disable the "ammo pouches" located on the waist / belt of the character (back, front and side of the waist)

image loaded from urlimage loaded from urlimage loaded from url

3/ [UPDATED] They have implemented it in update 6.0 "Datavault" Update

  • FOV slider AND/ OR camera distance options
  • Link to idea
  • IF YOU DON'T WANT to allow FOV options, at least add options to increase the camera distance (zoom out to see our entire character)
  • Add a simple FOV slider for both 3rd person camera and 3rd person ADS (shoulder aiming)
  • Add camera level options (distance of the character from the screen)
  • The goal is to see more of the surroundings and our character while moving or shooting (and also to look at our beautiful armor...)

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4/ Increase hip-fire accuracy by reducing bullet spreading :

  • Link to idea
  • Hip-firing in the game is very underwhelming because there is almost 0 accuracy (a lot of bullet spreading)
  • Just by reducing or eliminating bullet spreading, you will add consistency to the gunplay (the player will still have to aim right, it doesn't affect skills)
    • Example: Max Payne 3 is one of the greatest 3rd person shooter because the bullet goes exactly where your reticle is, either if you hip fire or shoot ADS.
    • Meaning it is not mandatory to have bullet spreading to have a good game, at the contrary and especially in a 3rd person game. 
    • Having to be precise by aiming your reticle at the right place is the only thing that should matter.

image loaded from urlimage loaded from url

​5/ Add more weapons to PVE and PVP : 

  • Link to idea
  • Wrist mounted weapons (shotgun, grenade launcher, plasma blade, assault cannon, flamer…)
  • Lightning Claws
  • Axes and Power Axes
  • Flamer
  • Shotguns
  • Autocannon
  • Missile Launcher
  • Assault Cannon







​Suggestions from the community :

  1. Add new classes in PVE and PVP :
    • Terminator : slower but has at the same time a melee weapon + heavy weapon
    • Psykers : like the one in the game Space Hulk: 
    • Librarian
    • Chaplain
    • Apothecary
    • Champion Class from DelusionEnjoyer : Link to idea
  2. More armor customization for PVE and PVP
    • Allow armor type/part selection for each class : Phobos, Tacticus, Gravis, First Born, Omnis…
    • Add new armor type/part : Terminator armor (no gameplay impact)
    • Add damaged armor parts
    • Heraldry and chapter icons should be usable on the right pauldron, as you should be able to according to DeathWatch rules. At the moment, only Carcharodon, Black Templar, Raven Guard, and Traitor Legions (?????), can have their chapter icon on the right shoulder.
  3. Apply specific paint coating effect for any color and any armor part:
    • Rusty paint
    • Metallic paint
    • Chrome paint
    • Aluminium paint
    • Hardened steel paint
    • Matte paint 
    • Worn-out paint
    • Dirty paint (sand, mud…)
    • Add Stripe pattern for the pauldron and leg arms aswell, all player can benefit from it (especially Iron warrior)
      • Screenshot 2024-09-26 220817.png
  4. Toggle on/off option for :
    • Hitmarkers visibility
    • Crosshairs visibility
  5. Add SP/Coop melee functionality to PVP :
    • Implementing parry/counter/hit stun/EXECUTION mechanics in PVP would not only improve melee centric builds as a whole, but provide a more challenging/engaging PVP experience. 
    • Executions would reward armor/health recovery, but leave said executioner vulnerable to attack (for example.)
    • Hit stun on the thunder hammer would make it a more viable option, seeing as lighter weapons strike faster, and outperform the Thunder Hammer in nearly every way.
    • Parrying/countering is self explanatory. 
    • Without them, melee might as well just be two Astartes swinging pool noodles with no aim or effort.
  6. In PVP, bots can be added for training (play PVP with AI instead of real players)
  7. Being able to customize the bots (battle brothers) in PVE / Operations (class type, armor style, skin color, weapon type, etc)
  8. Option to add vibration to the controller while walking and running
  9. In PVP, add spotlight showing off marines, and top kill cam, so we can show off armor, and skills. 
  10. After completing the main storyline entirely (or some other restriction), allow players to match with others for main quests (without the current requirement to invite), and let players use multiplayer mode professions to clear dungeons. 
    • The main storyline can be divided into a series of tasks to fit the length of PVE missions (I know you will come up with a solution). Even the Collectiblescan be replaced with weapon data to adapt to cultivation content. This can effectively increase the richness of PVE characters (without requiring too much effort).
  11. PVE / PVP options and features : 
    • Clans creation 
    • Custom lobbies
    • Manual server search feature to find a specific server
    • Auto server find feature
    • Allow classes to share more weapons : The Vanguard (Based on Reivers) should have access to the Bolt Carbine, both for another close-range option and because.. well.. Reivers have access to it.
    • Add team preference in PVP (heretic or loyalist) to focus on game with a free spot to our preferred faction
    • Ranked lobby
    • Shoulder swap
    • Mini map
    • Passive perks you can equip pre-match, for example: Anti-flash bang, less incoming melee damage or grenade damage, anti-spotting (red outline), or life regen start after kill
    • 6 players lobby
    • Rewards
  12. Graphical and HUD options : 
    • No disappearing dead bodies on the ground
    • No disappearing blood splatters
    • Colour blindness option for HUD elements
    • Add a compass at the top of the screen to make giving call-outs to enemies easier. Something like this :
      • uyelaw8dbhjz.png
  13. Create a Codex database to track achievement’s requirements 
  14. PVE and PVP customization :
    • Add Thousand Sons rubric marine skins from the campaign to the multiplayer
    • Add Terminator armor from the campaign to the multiplayer
  15. Endgame PVE mode « Killteam »  from BrotherCaticus : Link to idea
    • Great game mode addition
  16. New PvPvE game mode like the old Eternal Crusader and Battlefield :
    • Conquest game mode type
    • Medium-large maps
    • 60 or more players
    • Unlimited class selection
    • Playable transport vehicle, as a mobile respawn
    • A playable combat vehicle (dread or tank)
    • All in game faction available to play as (SM vs Chaos vs Tyranid…)
  17. Keyboard & mouse bindings/modes redesign from Warbreak : Link to idea
    • Option to always run while moving (so no walking)
    • Rebind keys to make the gameplay more « efficient and competitive »
  18. Map building toolkit for both PvE and PvP maps : Link to idea
  19. More executions :
    • Add « team execution » in order to execute boss or big enemy in team
    • Add more execution like « weapon specific execution » like Gears of Ware
    • Add specific execution animation for the Heavy Class which is currently very repetitive 
  20. More gore :
    • Add more gore especially in PVP such as decapitation, limb
    • This could allow for more fore in PVE gore while fighting against Chaos Marines
    • Add an option for blood spatter on your marine to be persistent, or at least fade away far slower and not completely disappear
  21. Remove class duplicates restriction in PVE :
    • Allow us to have a full team of the same class in PVE (it is funnier)
  22. Create a trading feature of currency : Link to idea
    • Example : Allow players to trade up 10 or so armory data for 1 of the next tier 
  23. Walking animation on PC : add an option to walk slowly (toggle or hold)
  24. Heavy Class execution animation fix :
    • Please fix the current execution animation where the weapon disappears while performing an animation
    • This idea can be linked to the previous (N°18 - More Execution) : make specific animation for the Heavy Class to get rid of the issue
  25. Add IN-game voice chat with voice filter option
    • A voice filter that changes the voice to that of a Space Marine
  26. Add "variant / subcategories" for each Class in PVE / PVP :
    • Heavy : add a variant that double as a Terminator, he is slower but has one heavy weapon on one hand and a melee weapon on the other hand
    • Assault : add a variant that double as an Inceptor or a Suppressor by choosing a ranged weapon instead of a melee
    • Bulwark : add a variant like a Judiciar or Company Champion wielding a two handed weapon
    • etc.
  27. Campaign missions as Operations to extend PV​E
    • There is a mod on Nexus that is a work in progress.
    • The main goal is obviously being able to do the campaign but playing as our character and being able to grind our classes with rewards
    • Obviously there is a catch with cutscenes and voices, but again...who really cares ?
  28. Lots of ideas from Titanodar : read the PDF linked below
  29. Dreadnaught mode similar to the one in Space Marine 1 :  
    • Could be either a dedicated PVP mode or simply the implementation of the Dreadnaught in PVE, Horde and PVP as a reward
    • You can check gameplay of this game mode from Space Marine 1
  30. Extending hero rank beyond rank 8, and player level beyond lvl 25
    • You might have already this in mind with your upcoming prestige system
    • Could help with End Game content
  31. More party UI info : Link to idea
  32. New armor patterns for chest and legs : Link to idea
  33. Custom button configuration
  34. Lots of idea from Atramentar's thread : Link to thread
  35. Sparring arena added to the quick travel 'tab' menu alongside data repository, armoring hall, launch pad
  36. Hotkey toggle to 'ready up,' rather than having to stand on the launch pad. 
    • This would allow you to spar or play with armor customisation while waiting for your brothers
    • Maybe class change & loadout selection or locked out upon toggling ready
  37. More stats : 
    • Sentry cancellation stat displayed on victory screen (might be hard to do if it's not something the game is setup to track)
    • Deadshot stat
    • Option to display mission timer and a record of best time per operation per difficulty in the data repository
    • History/record of our victory stats
  38. Proposal for Campaign Completion Rewards : Link to idea
    • Implementation of Incentivized Rewards for Campaign Completion


Updated 17 days ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 1, 2024, 5:37:08 PM

I think these are all very good ideas. The developers have already commented on the first idea in the last FAQ, although they did not specify which UI elements could be removed exactly.
Btw., links can be integrated directly into posts.

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6 months ago
Sep 1, 2024, 5:44:46 PM

Halvatore wrote:

I think these are all very good ideas. The developers have already commented on the first idea in the last FAQ, although they did not specify which UI elements could be removed exactly.
Btw., links can be integrated directly into posts.

Thanks, I have made the modifications.

Please, upvote them on their respective pages to increase their visibility otherwise the developers won't see them. 

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6 months ago
Sep 2, 2024, 2:56:32 PM

Bigtomo wrote:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++Easy to fix

Let's hope so mate

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6 months ago
Sep 2, 2024, 9:49:17 PM

Don’t hesitate to share your inputs to consolidate or improve the ideas. 

I will update the first message in that case. 

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6 months ago
Sep 3, 2024, 1:54:15 AM

Predator wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++Easy to fix

Let's hope so mate

It's just true and false commands in the code  If there's no fixing it, I really don't know what to say anymore ​

It's just a minor fix that's bundled with the general patch. It's not bad, and it doesn't waste any budget at all

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 3, 2024, 6:12:56 AM

Predator wrote:


I just wanted to share my ideas to increase awareness of the developers if you think they are good ideas.

2/ Increase hip-fire accuracy by reducing bullet spreading (because mandatory ADS to be accurate is getting old)

image loaded from urlimage loaded from url

NOT SURE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING? If you want to eliminate aiming with your gun to get better accuracy - and just have the same accuracy firing from the hip?

 I don’t want that… If thats what you’re saying? 

I don’t want this game to be more brainless… 

That’s like saying reloading is a hassle, so why not? Just give us infinite ammo? 

These elements are there to give the gameplay more nuance, and also so players have tactical considerations to make. It adds depth. 

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6 months ago
Sep 4, 2024, 5:22:43 PM

Bigtomo wrote:

Predator wrote:

Bigtomo wrote:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++Easy to fix

Let's hope so mate

It's just true and false commands in the code  If there's no fixing it, I really don't know what to say anymore ​

It's just a minor fix that's bundled with the general patch. It's not bad, and it doesn't waste any budget at all

We will see, I hope you are right.

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6 months ago
Sep 4, 2024, 5:29:09 PM

Lamoi wrote:

Predator wrote:


I just wanted to share my ideas to increase awareness of the developers if you think they are good ideas.

2/ Increase hip-fire accuracy by reducing bullet spreading (because mandatory ADS to be accurate is getting old)

image loaded from urlimage loaded from url

NOT SURE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING? If you want to eliminate aiming with your gun to get better accuracy - and just have the same accuracy firing from the hip?

 I don’t want that… If thats what you’re saying? 

I don’t want this game to be more brainless… 

That’s like saying reloading is a hassle, so why not? Just give us infinite ammo? 

These elements are there to give the gameplay more nuance, and also so players have tactical considerations to make. It adds depth. 

Well, I was not looking to make the game easier. 

It is a point I have with every shooter nowadays. 

There is a trend where "shooting without ADS" means you have 0 accuracy and I just don't like it because it makes it so you are obligated to ADS in order to be efficient. 

I just want to really on my aim in both hip-fire and ADS. Bullet accuracy is a random thing that I have never understood in video games. 
We have a crosshair, the bullet should go where we are aiming, end of story. 

You have to be accurate with your aiming both in hip fire or ADS. 

Having bullet spreading is even more painful when playing a beautiful 3rd person game. We can't enjoy our whole character while shooting because hip fire has no accuracy. 

Max Payne 3 is one of the greatest 3rd person shooter because the bullet goes exactly where your reticle is, either if you hip fire or ADS.

Meaning it is not mandatory to have bullet spreading to have a good game, at the contrary. 

I hope my message makes more sense to you now. 

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6 months ago
Sep 4, 2024, 5:32:08 PM

Gore87 wrote:

Terminator Armor for Horde mode

I actually want this armor for any game mode.

Don't make it overpowered, I just want to look badass and have both a melee weapon and a heavy weapon at the same time.

Just make the character slower if there is a need to nerf it.

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6 months ago
Sep 5, 2024, 12:18:09 PM

the hitmarkers are egregious. Please make an option to turn those and the crosshairs off, completely kills the immersion 

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6 months ago
Sep 5, 2024, 1:31:47 PM

I was hoping you guys can implement the vibration to be on when he’s walking and running, so you could really feel the weight of the armor. And you could just add a third option to the vibration menu options. And thank you, amazing game so far.

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6 months ago
Sep 5, 2024, 6:09:07 PM

Spaceking84 wrote:

I was hoping you guys can implement the vibration to be on when he’s walking and running, so you could really feel the weight of the armor. And you could just add a third option to the vibration menu options. And thank you, amazing game so far.

I have added your idea on the main post.

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6 months ago
Sep 6, 2024, 2:24:45 PM

Toojmin wrote:

the hitmarkers are egregious. Please make an option to turn those and the crosshairs off, completely kills the immersion 

i have added your ideas 

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6 months ago
Sep 6, 2024, 4:32:29 PM

Hey Guys,
I have some criticisms of the game that I thought i'd share with the hopes that it could contribute to fixes later on - please understand that when I categorize something as bad xyz it is meant to identify and categorize the issue.

Content locks based on campaign progress. Understandable that missions are tied to the campaigns and could be spoilery, but, if I don't care for the campaign and want to focus on multiplayer matches (Eternal War Mode) Why am I forced to complete several missions before I can even consider playing with others? I can't even call this textbook bad interface design because you aren't given an opportunity to engage with the interface, textbook bad game design then.

Second: AI Issues - The Friendly AI is poor, often not even contributing to your mission goals. When you get to the pyreblaster ripper experience you'll know what I mean (Or the chain gargoyle experience). Enemy AI generally ignores your allies to beeline straight for you. In my experience, my allies didn't even use their trademark abilities until after the lictor boss fight. Oh, by the way, on the off chance that the AI actually pushes a warrior into it's stunned state it sure would be nice to actually have your allies execute tyranid warriors rather than allow them to regenerate and harrass you further - they wont. You'll die. the friendly AI is bad and the game is balanced around them contributing. Bad encounter design.

Enemy AI often ignores line of sight and projectile collision: Ever notice that cover doesn't seem to be working? well, some areas it's because enemies just shoot through cover from out of sight - it's pretty frustrating and extremely easy to notice while trying to locate those enemies while shooting gargoyles off chains when you lack the ranged damage resistance that classes get in the operation mode and you are swarmed by all of the tyranids that your bot allies can't be bothered to kill. I'm not sure what to call this, it's bad and sours the experience when you're losing not to your own lack of skill but rather the world design.

Server Issues; in my extensive play session yesterday I had no less than 3 events that dropped me from my campaign (A single player experience). I'm fairly certain they're all tied to internet connectivity and possibly server issues.

1) Infinite loading bar - this happens when your game fails to move to the connecting to server portion of the load. This happened multiple times to myself and other players in my community.

2) Disconnected from server mid mission forcing a reset to checkpoint; Game abruptly disconnects me from my game and then asks if I want to play in offline mode. WHy??? Why am I, a player playing alone with bots, forced to log into multiplayer servers?

lastly, my god it's full of bugs, I don't know where to even begin - what were the QA testers doing after the first mission? Two Examples come to mind amongst the countless minor inconveniences I experienced thus far:

Players forced to a black loading screen while the game events happen around them, occasionally leading to downed space marine prior to them even seeing the game. Repeat Issue - very common occurrence

Sound issue with dialogue and effects often muffled when the game loads a checkpoint after your squad wipe.

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